About Earth Mama

This is Melinda Olson; she’s the original Earth Mama. A mother and nurse, Melinda is also a not-so-secret plant lady/gardener and avid herbalist. (Yes. Her garden is amazing.) But in the spring of ’97, Melinda began studying medicinal herbs and how to extract their healing powers — which led to planting, nurturing and harvesting a wide variety of herbs. What was once a hobby “blossomed” (Intentional pun! You’re welcome!) into a life-changing understanding of plant medicine.
Her interest was fueled by a deep desire to educate people about our innate ability to combat everyday toxicity. As humans, we have the opportunity to live long and healthy lives, as long as we avoid harming ourselves — and the earth— in the process. Why not heal and support our bodies with what nature has readily available — that’s been in use for thousands of years?
In 2001, she began making and sharing organic tinctures, teas, soaps and salves using self-grown herbs. These were safe formulations grounded in earth wisdom and ancient knowledge — and they worked. Melinda had a feeling the world was ready for this kind of medicine — especially pregnant women, postpartum women, and their babies. And thus, Earth Mama the Company was born. The right way: in a garage.
Eventually, Earth Mama outgrew Melinda’s garage, laundry room, dining room, kitchen and halfway down the bedroom hall, so the company expanded into a facility in Clackamas, Oregon. Soon, thousands of pregnant women and new mamas looked to Earth Mama for safe herbal products for baby care, and to effectively treat the discomforts of pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding. Now, Melinda’s company is known as Earth Mama Organics … but it’s still the same reliable, trusted line of mama and baby care that began over two decades ago. Even better? Melinda still makes the formulations, still runs the company, is still obsessed with plants, and, if you ask her, will probably share her wisdom about what it really means to be organic. For hours. Maybe even days. But honestly? That’s fine by us.
Do No Harm
The fierce and protective mother instinct is at the heart of Earth Mama Organics. We give you our solemn, hand-on-heart vow: we will go to the ends of the earth to make sure our customers are safe and unharmed. And just like motherhood, our work is never done: we endlessly rethink, reevaluate, research and reformulate. If there’s a safer way, we’ll find it.
Nature is Our Pharmacy
Grandmothers, mothers and daughters have known this since the beginning of time: medicine is abundant in nature and for every common discomfort, we believe there’s a plant to help. That ancient wisdom hasn’t changed — and herbal remedies still work today.
Education Empowers
All mothers are powered by love and em-powered by knowledge. Education is in our DNA. The more we all know, the better equipped we are to make choices that safely nourish our bodies and the environment.
Honor the Body’s Ingenuity
Our body can already breathe, beat its heart and grow babies with little to no effort on your part. It also has the ability to compensate for every day toxins. But like all systems, it can become overloaded and fail. So every ingredient in every Earth Mama product is consciously chosen to allow our bodies to work their innate magic.
Mamas Need One Another
We all have something in common: we want our children to be happy, healthy beings. We celebrate motherhood as the basis for community and support, because as it turns out … we’re in this together.